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How Do I Get Started with My Mirror?
Updated over 3 months ago

We have a wide range of psychologists available with different specialties and appointment availability. You can browse and read about all our available psychologists here and are also able to filter by gender and specialisations to find a psychologist who will be suitable to your needs. You may also find the matching tool useful to be recommended specific psychologists for your needs here.

Here are your steps to get started:

1. Choose your psychologist

Browse and read about all where you are also able to filter by gender and specialisations to find a psychologist - How do I choose a Psychologist?

2. Book your session and create your account

Creating your My Mirror account and booking your first session is straightforward with our guide. - How do I create an account?

3. If accessing Medicare rebates

Upload your MHCP & referral letter as you confirm your booking (you can upload this any time before your session): How do I upload my referral and mental health plan (MHCP/MHP)?

4. Finalise Booking

Once booked you will receive an email confirmation alongside information on how to access your session held from within your My Mirror dashboard - How do I access my session?

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